

2018年01月26日09:26 | 来源:人民网研究院

3. 深度访谈


(1) 你之前是否听说过人民日报?你认为它为什么在Facebook上开通账号?(Have you had any prior knowledge of People’s Daily? If yes, what is your general impression of the newspaper? Why do you think it opens an account (@PeoplesDaily) and publishing on Facebook?)

(2) 迄今为主,人民日报在Facebook上的粉丝数量已超3900万,远远超过纽约时报等西方主流媒体。你认为人民日报已经跻身国际一流媒体了吗?为什么?Up to date, @PeoplesDaily has over 39 million Facebook followers, which far exceeds the number of followers of New York Times and other renowned international newspaper. Do you consider @PeoplesDaily an influential international newspaper? Why or why not?

(3) 你认为@PeoplesDaily在Facebook上传播时,是否应该具备跨文化的相关知识?为什么? (Do you think it is necessary for @PeoplesDaily to possess a certain level of cross-cultural knowledge, e.g. knowing the international audience’s values, thinking schemata, social norms, etc.? Why or why not?)

(4) 当你在阅读@PeoplesDaily新闻时,是否对其语言应用、叙事策略、图片选取等感到熟悉?换言之,@PeoplesDaily是否为缩小文化距离做出了努力? (When you read the posts of @PeoplesDaily, are you familiar with the language use, narrative style, picture selection, etc.? In other words, has @PeoplesDaily taken any measures to shorten the cultural distance? If yes, what are they?)

(5) 你在阅读@PeooplesDaily的帖文时,是否遭遇了一些理解上的障碍?是否某些新闻内容与你的价值观、信仰等相悖?具体是哪些?(While reading the posts, do you find any difficulty in understanding the content, the frame or the agenda? Is there anything in the news that is in contradiction with your beliefs or values?What is it?

(6) 通过阅读@PeoplesDaily的帖文,是否改善了你对中国主流媒体的印象?具体有哪些认识和态度上的改变?(Have you changed your impression and attitude towards China’s main-stream media after reading the posts?)

(7) 你会订阅@PeoplesDaily的新闻推送吗?为什么?你认为@PeoplesDaily如何才能进一步提升影响力和传播效果?(Will you follow @PeoplesDaily on Facebook? Why or why not? Do you have any suggestions for @PeoplesDaily to do better in bridging the audience?)


四、 数据分析和模型建构

(一) 开放式编码





  • @媒体人,新闻报道别任性
  • 网站运营者 这些"红线"不能踩!
  • 一图纵览中国网络视听行业