2.导语。导语是新闻故事起始一两个段落中简明的、清晰的陈述。它有时可能是新闻事件的概括,也可能是新闻事件中最有价值的情节。它高度概括全文,或突出新闻中的新闻,令读者看完导语之后就能获得新闻的梗概,并使他们产生继续往下阅读的强烈欲望[5]。导语往往用一句或两句话概括新闻的整个事件,以5W+H的方式突出最重要、最核心的事实。徐林(2011)随机抽取了CNN的15篇网络新闻,分析发现13篇(86.7%)的导语都是一句话,字数一般在26~40单词之间,低于学术界认为的不超过35个词的标准。而且认为导语的编译要以跨文化的视角归纳最引人注意的事实[6]。但是我们的网络新闻很难做到这一点。还以人民网“Beijing theaters get subsidy to attract audience”的新闻为例,其导语是:The Beijing municipal government has decided to subsidize large and medium-sized theaters, encouraging them to offer more low-price tickets to audience.
这则导语在澳大利亚学者看来没有体现出新闻的核心价值,即没有突出新闻事件的本质:观众得到了实惠。他们认为,“Beijing municipal government”和“decide to subsidize”在英语读者文化中不能形成引起人们注意的核心,因为这里需要突出的不是“北京市政府”而是“民众得到的好处”。另外,导语在语言表达上显得比较累赘,有些用词含义模糊(如medium-sized theaters),表达不准确(如low-price tickets);但若考虑新闻的核心意义将导语改编译为:“Beijing theater goers will get lower-priced tickets thanks to a subsidy by the Beijing Municipal Government.”则更简明、扼要,语言也显得简朴、直接,更接近英语网络新闻的语言与文化特征[7]。
人民网的另一条新闻:“China takes new steps to promote TCM overseas”,其导语是:“China will establish a sound international market-oriented trade promotion, management, and a marketing system for traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) in the next five years, according to a joint proposal issued by 14 government agencies including the Ministry of Commerce and State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Beijing on April 26.” 澳大利亚读者认为这条导语晦涩难懂,而且不符合英语新闻导语的写作规范:即表达不直截了当,语言不精练、简洁,且超过了常规的35个字的规则。而这则导语占了4行,共51个字,由于用词原因显得意义不清,因此很难想象它能引起读者的阅读兴趣。
再来看《中国日报》网络版关于“神舟九号飞船发射”的新闻导语:“Shenzhou IX, carrying female astronaut Liu Yang and male astronauts Jing Haipeng and Liu Wang, blasted off from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in Gansu province into a blue sky. ”在实验中,澳大利亚学生觉得这则导语很难理解,主要是从汉语翻译过来的人名和地名太多。这则导语共30个词,但有9个词是关于中国的人名或地名。由于英语读者不知道发音,发音与意义之间不能建立起联系,因此觉得非常茫然。由于对导语的意义不能准确理解,因此影响了继续阅读的兴趣。
3.内容叙述。谈到内容的叙述,澳大利亚学者认为主要是视角问题,也是体现新闻、文化的价值问题。还以“Chinese national acrobatic team premieres in Myanmar's Yangon”一文为例,新闻全文如下:
Chinese national acrobatic team premieres in Myanmar's Yangon
The China National Acrobatic Troupe (CNAT) staged its first performance in Myanmar's Yangon Sunday evening under the cultural exchange program of China and Myanmar.
The show was attended by Yangon Region Chief Minister U Myint Swe, Chinese Ambassador to Myanmar Li Junhua and Cultural Counselor of the Chinese Embassy Gao Hua.
The China National Acrobatic Troupe performed famous programs of plates spinning, group diabolos, contortionist, bicycle skills and other performances at the occasion.
All the audiences applauded the special eye-catching performance of the Chinese acrobatic team which plays an important part in various cultural exchange activities in and out of China.“It is the most wonderful show that I have ever watched and I was impressed by this performance,”an audience said.The troupe will proceed to Nay Pyi Taw and give a charity show next Wednesday and to Mandalay next Friday and Saturday.
CNAT is the first national performing arts troupe established by the Central Government of China and CNTA has visited 120 countries and regions across the world up to 2011.
CNTA not only preserves many traditional programs, but also integrates acrobatics, music, dance, drama, Chinese Kungfu and Beijng Opera. It has won 52 golden awards at renowned festivals at home and abroad since 1957.
针对上文的叙述视角,澳大利亚学者认为它是一种程序性叙事,而根据英语新闻的特征和英语读者的思维习惯,应该将它改写成新闻故事(news story)。笔者根据新闻内容找到了原中文新闻稿(鉴于篇幅原因,原文不在此附上)。但对照原稿发现,编译者在编译中考虑到目的语读者的需求还是对内容进行了相关的删减或添加,如删减了表演的具体节目的名称,添加了现场观众对演出的评价等,这些都是编译者考虑到的编译策略。但仔细阅读原文和译文,发现译文基本上没能摆脱原文对内宣传的思路,原译文中的划线部分基本按原文翻译而来,而这些在英语读者看来是非常次要或是根本不必要的信息,但在编译中没有得到调整。根据新闻内容和英语本族语读者的读者习惯,澳大利亚学者试将原译文改写为:
Yangon’s Audience Captured
A Yangon audience witnessed spectacular feats by plate spinners, contortionists and acrobatic cyclists on Sunday as part of the first ever visit to Myanmar of China’s national acrobatic troupe.The show was conducted as part of the cultural exchange program between China and Myanmar.“It is the most wonderful show that I have ever watched and I was impressed by this performance,”an audience member said.The troupe will give a charity show in Nay Pyi Taw next Wednesday before travelling to Mandalay next Friday and Saturday.
The China National Acrobatic Troupe preserves many traditional artforms, merging such Chinese staples as Kungfu and Beijing Opera with acrobatics, music, dance and drama. Since its inception in 1957, the troupe has won many international awards and visited 120 nations and regions across the world.Attending the Yangon show were Yangon Region Chief Minister U Myint Swe, Chinese Ambassador to Myanmar Li Junhua and Cultural Counselor of the Chinese Embassy Gao Hua.
从改写后的译文看,它较好地遵循了新闻写作中的“倒三角”原则,即以事实的重要性程度或受众关心程度依次递减的次序,先主后次地安排消息中各项事实内容,如将上文中“出席观看表演的官员及相关人员”的事实放在新闻的最后位置,因为这个层次的信息在西方读者眼中并不重要,在这条新闻中也显得最不重要;同时,还对不必要的信息进行了删减(如原译文的第四段划线部分)和添加(a Yangon audience witnessed)。导语中添加“a Yangon audience witnessed”与新闻标题相衔接,起着重要的粘结作用;另外,改写文在语言表达上句式显得更简洁、紧凑,用词更简单,清晰易懂,而这些正是网络英语新闻的重要语言特征。
四、结 语
本文报告了澳大利亚学者针对我国网络英语新闻的看法和提出的相关修改建议。澳大利亚作为英语民族之一,他们的阅读视域和思维习惯对改进我国网络英语新闻的译写质量,提升对外传播效果具有较好的参考价值和指导意义。本调查研究显示,我国的网络英语新闻总体上还不太符合英语民族的思维习惯,这主要是因为我国的英语新闻大多从原中文新闻稿翻译而来(这点澳大利亚学者也多次谈到),而没有对翻译稿进行必要的二次编译调整,在叙述上没有遵循新闻写作的“倒三角”原则;在新闻标题、导语上,表现出不够重视英语新闻的特点,较少从英语本族语读者的阅读目的和兴趣方面思考。在语言表达上对网络英语新闻的规范和语言特征还了解不够。但是,澳大利亚学者同时也指出,作为政府的新闻发布(government release)以上新闻也是可行的,但是英语民族对政府新闻是不会感兴趣的,因为引起他们关注的只是新闻故事。
(作者系:浙江传媒学院 国际文化传播学院)
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[3] 摘自Chris Thomson 教授在中国英语新闻座谈会上的谈话.
[4] Joyce Bell 博士在座谈会上对中国英语新闻的评价.
[5] 刘其中.汉英新闻编译[M].北京:清华大学出版社,2009.
[6] 徐林.网络新闻的汉英翻译与编译的几点思考[J].中国翻译,2011(4).
[7] 何其亮.西方视角下的中国网络新闻[J].对外传播,2012(10).
[8] 新华网[EB/OL].http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/culture.2012-04
[9] 新华网[EB/OL]..http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/china/2012-04
[10] 人民网英语频道[EB/OL].http://english.people.com.cn/90782/780
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